Friday 29 April 2011

SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE - Looking at stop motions

Here I have looked at a few stop motions, to try and get a range of methods and approaches to the question at hand.

I could take a literal approach to the question : 'How does shopping around save you money' by producing a stop motion using just money as subject to create the typography message.

A subject I do find interesting is consumerism, I feel I could directly link this with shopping around, how we overlook objects simply for use, but for style and how the object will represent us in regards to wealth.
This stop motion below goes on about consumerism in a visual way, perhaps an approach I could take - not so obvious compared to my original idea of just using type.

From this stop motion I came across a campaign promoting a, do nothing day. I had a peek at their website, it has been based around the consumerist society we live in.  It promotes a particular date, to buy absolutly nothing. Hoping the message of not shopping for one day helps us to reflect on our obsessive need to buy, hoping its a thing people take to do not just for one day...

I think it's a brilliant idea, I could aim this at my question, promoting not to buy the first thing you see due to its brandings or qualities, but think about products simply for their use, thus a cheaper alternative. eople really dont need the aesthtic quality some products have.

Relating back to type, I wanted to find a stop motion which experimented with it in creating sentances. This particular stop motion I enjoy due to its simplistic nature. It experiments with the movement, the depth, layering and style of type throughout. Using a range of objects to back up it's message.

This next video I love the experimentation of media and materials, it uses bricolage ion that sense. It uses a rnage of photo, sand, hand rendered and 3dimentional typography. Conisering I wanted to use product packaging, I could experiment with a range of methods, attempting several dimentions,...

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