Sunday 8 January 2012

Top ten things to know about... - Cocktails - Drinking statistics

Published in Esquire's September 2010 issue

1. How old are you?

55+ 6%
45-54 9%
35-44 16%
25-34 38%
21-24 24%
Under 21 7%

2. What is your marital status?

Married 33%
Divorced 6%
Widowed 0.4%
Never married 60%

3. Education level?

Postgraduate degree 26%
College degree 58%
High school degree 16%

4. Do you exercise?

No 9%
A little 57%
A lot 33%

5. On a typical night of drinking in a bar, how many drinks do you consume? (For the purposes of this survey, 2 beers = 1 drink.)

6. How many drinks do you consume in a typical week?

28+ 6%
15-28 24%
8-14 31%
5-7 19%
2-4 14%

7. In which situation are you most likely to drink at home? (Choose one.)

Most nights. 36%
After a bad day at the office. 12%
After an argument with my spouse. 0.4%
When I'm getting ready for a date. 3%
When I'm entertaining. 44%
I never drink at home. 6%

8. If you could have one drink right now, what kind would it be?

Beer 47%
Cocktail 20%
Straight liquor, rocks 16%
Straight liquor, neat 8%
Wine 10%

9. You prefer whiskey:

On the rocks 51%
Neat 22%
As a shot 10%
I don't drink whiskey. 17%

10. Would you rather order chardonnay or get beat up?

Chardonnay, please. 51%
Let's get this over with. 49%

11. How much is too much to pay for a cocktail?

$14+ 14%
$12-$14 19%
$10-$12 28%
$8-$10 20%
I don't drink cocktails for this reason. 19%

14. Is your personality improved after a few drinks?

Yes 63%
No 38%

15. Are you a regular at a certain bar?

Yes 30%
No 71%

16. What are you most likely to become after, say, three drinks?

Happy 68%
Sleepy 10%
Angry 1%
Flirtatious 20%
Annoying 2%

17. Primarily you drink to:

Enjoy the drink 24%
Relax 25%
Socialize 39%
Get drunk 6%
Man up 1%
Maybe get laid 2%
Forget that I'm miserable 4%

18. If given the option, do you prefer sitting at a table or the bar?

A table 52%
The bar 48%

19. Have you ever had a one-night stand with someone you've met at a bar?

Yes 47%
No 53%

20. What's your favorite kind of bar?

Pub 51%
Cantina 3%
Sports bar 13%
Lounge 17%
Scotch bar 3%
Cigar bar 3%
Hotel bar 3%
Airport bar 1%
Shithole 9%

22. How many drinks does it take for you to get very drunk? (For the purposes of this survey, 2 beers = 1 drink.)

10+ 11%
8-10 28%
5-7 46%
3-4 15%
1-2 1%
A few sips 0.1%

23. At what age did you first get drunk?

I've never drunk to intoxication. 2%
21+ 7%
18-21 27%
14-18 57%
Under 14 8%

24. If you had to spend a night drinking with a citizen of one of the following countries, which country would it be?

25. If you had to choose among the following, which actress would you most want to have a beer with?

26. Which president?

27. Which occasionally troubled celebrity?

28. After how many drinks do you expect to get a "buyback" from a bartender?

What's a buyback? 43%

30. Whom did you fight?

I haven't been in a bar fight. 74%
Bartender 0.3%
Companion 1%
Colleague 1%
Boss 0.1%
Date 0.1%
Stranger 24%

31. You've ordered five PBRs. How much tip do you leave?

More than $5 18%
$5 53%
Less than $5 29%

32. Is drinking part of the problem or the solution?

33. Darts?

Sure 64%
Nah 36%

34. Which is grammatically correct?

I have drunk three beers. 46%
I have drank three beers. 54%

36. Do you wash your hands in the men's room at a bar?

Of course. 70%
Only if I hit the stall. 15%
No, that seems kind of girlie. 3%
No, but in my defense, I was raised by wolves. 3%
Not if there's a line. 10%

37. How frequently do you drink alone?

Frequently (several nights or more a week) 15%
Occasionally (a few times a month) 33%
Rarely (once a month or less) 35%
Never 17%

38. How many different bars have you been to in the past month?

8+ 13%
4-8 25%
2-4 29%
1-2 25%
I never mix it up. 9%

39. How many drinks does it take to negatively affect your sexual performance?

41. Which form of advertising most influences you when it comes to drinking?

TV 24%
Film 14%
Music 6%
Billboards 1%
Magazines 26%
My old man 29%

42. If you were asked to a White House Beer summit, what would you drink?

Beer 70%
Straight liquor 17%
A cocktail 12%
The survey of drinking was taken by 5,399 men on between June 4 and June 21, 2010. Since the pool of respondents was limited to Internet-connected adults, the results do not reflect a scientifically random sample of the population.

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