About B Corporation Certification
B Corps are a new type of corporation that use the power of business to address social and environmental problems. Certified B Corporations meet transparent and comprehensive standards of social and environmental performance and legally expand their corporate responsibilities to include consideration of stakeholder interests. In addition, by uniting together as B Corporations, they amplify the voice of sustainable business and for-profit social enterprise. There are currently over 200 certified B Corporations from over 30 industries, representing $1 billion in collective revenues and $6.5 billion in capital under management.
Unfortunately, California is one of 19 states that do not yet allow corporations to consider stakeholder interests. As a B Corp in California, we have committed to amending our corporate governing documents to include stakeholder interests once the law permits us to do so. According to Deborah Hirsh from B Labs (the non-profit that coordinates the certification), changes in state legislation in 2010 may facilitate this process, and additional efforts are underway to create a new corporate form for companies in California that have met high and transparent social and environmental standards.
Why did Greenerprinter become a B Corporation?
We went through the certification process to become a B Corp because the B Corp certification represents one of the highest standards for responsible businesses. An important part of the B Corp certification is that the social and environmental performance standards are comprehensive and transparent. Our B Corp report will soon be available on the B Corp website, and we will be subject to random audits. This will be in addition to the other audits that we're subject to as a Certified Green Business in Berkeley (such as water and energy use audits) and our Forest Stewardship Council audit. We believe that it is important that our social and environmental initiatives can be verified by third parties that you can trust.
We are the first commercial printer in the country to receive this certification, and as other printers follow our lead, new standards will be set within the printing industry.
What makes B Corporation different from other green certifications?
B Corporation does evaluate environmental efforts, but it also includes considerations for governance, employees, community, and suppliers. In this regard, it's a much more comprehensive certification that looks at not just environmental impact, but at how the company does business as a whole.
You can learn more about B Corporations on their website. The Katovich Law Group, another B Corp, also provides a good explanation about stakeholder interests and B Corps on their blog.
The Bay Area Green Business Certification Program is a partnership of environmental agencies, professional associations, waste management agencies, utilities, and a concerned public, working together to recognize and assist businesses that operate in an environmentally friendly manner. To be certified "green," participants must be in compliance with all regulations and meet program standards for conserving resources, preventing pollution and minimizing waste. |
Some of the general requirements include:
- Monitoring and recording rates of water and energy consumption and waste generation
- Providing incentives and opportunities that encourage employee participation
- Informing customers of our efforts
- Assisting other companies and organizations in their efforts to become "green"
There are 4 areas of conservation and prevention that the organization uses to test a business for Green Certification, each with its own requirements: |
- Water Conservation
- Assess indoor and outdoor water balance - Implement basic conservation measures - Implement at least 3 industry-specific conservation measures
- Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling
- Assess solid waste streams - Adopt measures to reduce, re-use and recycle solid waste - Cut down paper waste in 5 different ways - Implement recycle or reuse programs for 5 other types of materials - Identify and purchase 3 different types of recycled materials
- Energy Conservation
- Commercial energy assessment performed by local utility agency - Adopt maintenance schedule for all heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems - Introduce 2 alternative technologies and 5 process changes that help conserve energy
- Pollution Prevention
- Assess operations and identify prevention opportunities - Adjust, change or eliminate 6 operations practices to help reduce pollution - Adopt 3 changes in materials, products or processes that will help reduce pollution - Reuse and/or recycle hazardous wastes in at least 3 ways - Eliminate contamination of storm water and runoff in 4 ways - Reduce vehicle emissions in at least 3 ways
In addition, there are specific guidelines we follow that are unique to the printing industry. These requirements include:
- Completely computerizing prepress operations to remove photochemicals, thus saving water and energy
- Establishing a recycling program for solvents
- Using alcohol-free printing to reduce chemical usage and improve air quality, health and safety
- Printing on treeless and recycled content papers (saves trees, energy, water; promotes new agriculture and reduces landfill waste)
- Promoting green practices to customers
- Using low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) inks (helps reduce air pollution, increases safety)
- Implementing paperless internal communications
- Using energy efficient equipment
The mark of responsible forestry.
© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council A.C.
GreenerPrinter has obtained certification in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody Standards. The FSC is an international not-for-profit membership-based organization that brings people together to find solutions to the problems created by bad forestry practices and to reward good forest management. By adhering to practices listed in our FSC certification, we are a vital link in a "chain of custody" which ensures that forest products (in our case, paper) can be traced from their final manufactured product all the way back to the well-managed forests from which the raw materials were harvested.
About the Chain of Custody (COC) Certificate
Chain of custody certification provides a guarantee about the production of FSC-certified products. Chain-of-custody is the path taken by raw materials from the forest to the consumer, including all successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution.
From a customer perspective, the FSC label represents a promise that is being made to them. Chain of custody standards are the mechanism FSC has to ensure that 'promise' is delivered.
Operations that have been independently verified for FSC chain of custody certification are eligible to label their products with the FSC logo.
About the Forest Stewardship Council
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organization that brings people together to find solutions which promote responsible stewardship of the world's forests.
- FSC is a stakeholder owned system for promoting responsible management of the world's forests.
- Through consultative processes, it sets international standards for responsible forest management.
- It accredits independent third party organizations who can certify forest managers and forest product producers to FSC standards.
- Its trademark provides international recognition to organizations who support the growth of responsible forest management.
- Its product label allows consumers worldwide to recognize products that support the growth of responsible forest management worldwide.
- FSC undertakes marketing programs and information services that contribute to the mission of promoting responsible forestry worldwide.
- Over the past 13 years, over 90 million hectares in more than 70 countries have been certified according to FSC standards while several thousand products are produced using FSC-certified wood and carrying the FSC trademark. FSC operates through its network of National Initiatives in 45 countries.
The carbon emissions from Greenerprinter's operations are 100% offset by investments in Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).
These RECs offset our energy usage through investments in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.
Greenerprinter has entered an agreement with Sterling Planet to purchase wind energy and "green up" 100% of its conventional electricity consumption with this clean, renewable energy.
Purchased as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), the wind energy is certified by the Center for Resource Solutions' Green-e renewable energy certification program. These RECs indirectly offset 355,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from conventional electricity production processes that use nonrenewable fuel sources. The environmental benefit compares to not driving 387,511 miles in an automobile (139 drives between Los Angeles and New York), or planting 48 acres of trees.
Beyond these environmental benefits, RECs help build a market for renewable electricity ("green power" or commodity electricity bundled with RECs), increase energy diversity and security, reduce dependence on foreign energy sources, support domestic economies and create U.S. jobs.
Greenerprinter offsets all of its shipping through investments in Carbonfund.org. This commitment establishes Greenerprinter as an environmental leader in the print industry and demonstrates the proactive steps it is taking in the fight against global climate change.
This partnership with Carbonfund.org allows Greenerprinter to reduce its carbon footprint by offsetting the emissions generated as a result of the shipment and delivery of printed materials. While Greenerprinter has done everything possible to reduce the environmental impact of its internal operations, Carbonfund.org helps it to minimize the additional impact of what happens after a project leaves its facility.
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